Well I'll be damned
Not since Prowlies have I been able to give such a profesional review.
the animation was great, flawed in a couple of places, but small things, like the character;s lighting reacting differently in different scene, I did notice all of the little bits and peices that made this flash better than it already was, such as subtle hand movements and things in this nature, things that dont need to be animated but help that they are , in the long run.
the story certainly did intice me, don't see much of that around here nowadays. I'm soon off to veiw part one just because of this flash. And you pulled it off quite authentically, I mean , like the wizard dude's michevious nature and the overall tone off each character , really beleivable.
I did see a couple of shots that were professional, which is nice. Like the arrow going into the guys back, Ive seen that particular shot, and when the reach the tomb, that over-head shot, believable and something you'd find in actual movies
the voices were spot on accept of course the girl's. I didn;t quite enjoy her speak and in fact was hoping the other dude would soon gag her, heh.
Overall, nice display of potential, and onviously we can expect great things, but please dont....i repeat, DONT be a Adam Phillips, where you give us a taste, and vanish from all existence.
Good work.
- Gobi