it IS a record 8D
Good job knox , this was another great klay....klay.... klay adventure . Yes that's it . Keep it up my man
Sincerly ,
it IS a record 8D
Good job knox , this was another great klay....klay.... klay adventure . Yes that's it . Keep it up my man
Sincerly ,
If you listened to your fans .....
you would suck . This was great , I love the humour , and the animation is getting pretty slick too ; ) . I wouldn't doubt it if these things make all the way to another full-length ..
Nice one Knox ! Keep up the good work : D
- Gobi
It's about friggin time !
It's about time that someone took Flash for what it really it is , a tool . A medium for aspiring artist to really showcase their stuff . If more artist realize the infinite potential Flash carrys on it's back , there would be a hell of a lot more jaw-dropping submitions . All it takes is TIME , people . I know , you've got better things to do , but if you want to get an idea out there , why not take proper time and practice to tune it to the way you want it . Even if you're not the best artist , your skills should shine through somewhere .
Adam, I hope this is just the beginning of the things you can do , I really feel your'e holding back . Why ? Filesize ? Building up the tension ? Whatever it may be , I simply can't wait to see your peak in animation , it'll truly be a glorious day .
Well , thank you for rekindling a dying flame of inspiration , and hopefully that of many , many others . Your name will go down in history , Mr. Phillips . I hope you remember us when it does .
That is all ,
- Brady " Gobi " Lowery
Newgrounds has been good to me.. there's no danger of me ever forgetting the support that Brackenwood has here. Thanks for the review dude :)
short .......AND sweet ?
hilarious . I love the Nugget humour , because it'll apply to anything and still be hilarious . Nice halloween edition , was this on short notice ? Because it was well peiced . Nice one .
- Gobi
Yeah, we actually put this together in two days. We were just throwing ideas around when we said "Hey, Momac should go trick or treating!". I started recording the voices and animating it, then I had to go to work. When I got back I finished it and released it. Imagine if we spent all that work time on Nuggets.
each of those dots represents how many minutes I lost laughing .
I almost forgot about this superb series , and it has come back, full force . Take the stage , Miggs ! Your humour is simply the best .
10 out of 10
- Brady
An excellent sequel !
Wow man you really out-did yourself here , but you never forwarned me that you were putting it out ! Good thing I checked Newgrounds today . The song at the end was even better than the original . Overall , it was a good contribution to an already good cartoon . I didn't see the ending coming whatsoever , even though I should have .
Great work Will .
- Mr_Gobi
hey, u're part of the work. great work Mr_Gobi!
Bloody Brilliant . . .
god man , that was so much better than expected . Crazy good work on this . So very good . . .
AlantheBOX is making a comeback !
That was great, Alan . Short and sweet , and only a genuis could be arsed to whip up a flash for such an idea. Keep them coming ! This portal needs more of you in it.
Seriously . ..
the portal needs a lot more then me! whoa! zing!
Mister million miles of fun.
Age 39, Male
Flash animation
Menomonie, Wi USA
Joined on 11/27/04